Musings on the Muse

After writing the occasional blog article about a mishmash of topics, and after much thought, I’m settling on a new focus (and soon a new title) for my blog. It’s important not only to have a focus to one’s blog, but also to write about what is compelling. For quite some time, I’ve found myself singularly uninterested in the several articles that I’ve been working on but not quite finishing, and that’s why I haven’t posted anything in quite a while. Writing, of course, can sometimes be a slog, but it’s gone far beyond writer’s blog or procrastination (though I’m certainly subject to both). I’ve recently realized that my lack of motivation has stemmed from a lack of real interest in the topics I’ve been writing about.

My new focus, or rather, my narrowed focus (as I’ve written in the past on these topics before) will be mostly on writing and singing. Both inspire and motivate me, and I feel I have valuable insights and experience to share. My book The Orange Robe, while not exactly a best seller, is still being purchased and read, and I’m currently working on a semi-autobiographical novel, (though the main character is male – and that’s all I’m going to say about this project at this point; that is, I may write about the writing process, but not about the plot!) As far as singing goes, I’m in an excellent community choral group that I’ve been singing and performing with for several years. And I enjoy the monthly Open Circle I attend for singers and musicians, where I play guitar and sing with others.

I’m already working on my first article on my new theme, about the benefits of singing in a group. These benefits, which are many, have been well documented, and I’m learning all sorts of fascinating information about the studies that have been done. Stay tuned!